Meet the keynote speakers
Dr. Charles H.F. Davis

Dr. Charles H.F. Davis III is an assistant professor at the Rossier School of Education at the University of Southern California, where he teaches courses and conducts research on relationships of power, domination, and systems of oppression within higher education. Dr. Davis also serves as the Chief Strategy and Research Officer for the USC Race and Equity Center, the nexus of assessment and evaluation, professional learning, and interdisciplinary research dedicated to eradicating the social ill of racism and achieving racial justice.
Dr. Craig Elliott

Dr. Craig Elliott is an Assistant Professor and the Assistant Vice President of Enrollment and Student Services at Samuel Merritt University. He was recently elected to serve as the Vice President of ACPA for 2018-2019. He is a Social Justice Training Institute alumnus, serves on the faculty with Student SJTI, and is a Co-Lead facilitator for the LeaderShape Institute. Craig’s research interests explore white caucus work, feminism and masculinity, the intersection of Transformative Learning and Social Justice work, inclusion and equity, institutional change, and dismantling white supremacy.
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