Call for Presentation Proposals for the CCPA Spring 2016 Institute!

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Institute Theme: Engaging a Global Campus

CCPA institutes are designed to provide distinctive and affordable professional development to college professionals throughout their careers.

CCPA is seeking proposals that inform higher educational professionals about theoretical background,  tangible resources, and best practices in line with our theme of engaging a global campus. CCPA is specifically interested in proposal topics that address issues in mental health, working with students associated with/affected by international or immigration issues, and opportunities and challenges with new technology. Below is a list of suggested topics in line with our theme and focus areas.

Session Format:

  • 40 min presentation followed by a 20 min discussion and/or q&a time
  • Audio/Visual Equipment will be provided

Presenter Benefit:

  • Each accepted presenter will receive complimentary conference registration

Suggested Presentation Topics:

  • Mental Health
    • Counseling for Non-Clinical Practitioners
    • Current Trends
  • Immigration & International Issues Affecting Students
    • AB540
    • Advocating for Social Justice
  • Technology
    • Online learning
    • Social Media Presence and Digital Privacy
    • Opportunities and Challenges
    • Global Consciousness and Reach Through Technology

Proposal Submission Format

Proposal submissions should include:

  • Selection of which topic area your proposal addresses (mental health, immigration/international students, technology)
  • A presentation title (to be included in the institute program)
  • A brief abstract (not exceeding 50 words) describing the session (to be included in the institute program)
  • A description (approximately 300 words) of the session (for presentation selection purposes)

Please submit your proposal by November 30, 2015 via this link.

Please note: we welcome presentation proposals from both members and non-members

CCPA’s Mission, Values and Purpose:


We are a comprehensive Student Affairs organization that meets the unique and specific needs of higher education professionals in the state of California.


We value social justice, collaboration and learning.


  1. Create change by providing leadership opportunities for higher education professionals in the state of California;
  2. Promote and disseminate research on effective practices in facilitating student learning and development; and
  3. Encourage and advocate for the development of multicultural and social justice competencies.