Webinar Proposal Form

CCPA is now accepting submissions from new professionals and graduate students (at all levels) to present original research and educational content in a series of professional development webinars. The purpose …

CCPA Award Recipients Announced!

Please help us congratulate the 2017 CCPA Award recipients! These individuals were nominated and is being recognized for their contributions to their organization, institution and/or the field of student affairs …

Nominate for the CCPA State Chapter Awards!

Hello CCPA membership! Do you know someone you would like to nominate for CCPA’s State Chapter Awards? You can nominate someone for Outstanding New Professional, Outstanding CCPA Volunteer, or Outstanding Graduate Student. Click here …

2016-2017 CCPA Election Results

Dear CCPA members, I’m excited to share this year’s leadership team election results: President-Elect: Soua Xiong Co-Coordinator of the Minority Male Community College Collaborative & Ph.D. student in Higher Education …

2016 CCPA Leadership Team Elections

Dear California College Personnel Association members, Another year has gone by and it’s time to seek the leadership team for the 2016-2017 academic year.  This year we’ve been able to …